Rozina Yaqub
Nicknamed Mama Rosie, Rozina Yaqub was the oldest houseguest to appear on the Big Brother Canada Show Season 6, in 2018. She was energetic and seemingly ready for the game despite her age.
Rozina Yaqub was a 49 years old Reigious Educator from Toronto, Ontario. Rozina was happily married with kids. She described her personality as being bubbly, aggressive and happy. She revealed that if she was Big Brother, she would be the very aggressive big brother. Rozina defended that she is religious and she likes people to live and play by the rules. Hence, she will be aggressive when houseguests don’t follow the rules. Her BBCAN idol is Cassandra. Rozina Yaub went into the house with only a strategy that involves her mingling with the houseguests due to her age.
On their first night on the show, a twist compelled Andrew Miller to send seven houseguests to Hell. Andrew sent Alejandra Martinez, Johnny Mulder, Kaela Grant, Maddy Poplett, Will Kenny and Rozina Yaqub. The seven houseguests competed in the Head of Household competition and the competition was won by Johnny Mulder. Johnny Mulder nominated Alejandra Martinez and Rozina Yaqub for eviction. The next competition which was a Power of Veto competition was also won by Johnny Mulder and this time around, Johnny Mulder decided no to use the power and an immediate vote result of 11-0 evicted Rozina Yaqub from the Big Brother Canada show. She finished 15th place with the title of being the first BBCAN6 houseguest to be evicted from the show. Despite her very short stay on the show, Rozina found loyalty in two houseguests. They are Hamza Hatoum and Paras Atashnak. However, she was not a member of any alliance. She had neither Head of Household win nor Power of Veto win.
After the Big Brother show, Rozina Yaqub appeafred on BBCAN7. She was the one who delivered food to the Head of Household in week 5.
Aside from teaching, Rozina is now into storytelling. She can be found on Twitter and on Instagram.
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