The Big Brother Canada Show is a show known for its high competitiveness. Paras Atashnak appeared as a houseguest on the Big Brother Canada Show season 6 and she was also the winner of the same season.
Paras Atashnak was a 23 years old student from Vancouver, British Columbia. She described her personality as one that can be shy at first and as time goes on, she gets crazy, loud and fun. Paras claims to be smart, fun and charismatic.
Paras started her social game good. She was tagged the best social game player of the season. She used the strategy of playing dumb and clueless while secretly puilling huge stunts and strings. By acting clueless, houseguest will see her as a weak player they can take to final 2. She had strong connections with all her fellow houseguests. This particular attribute of her was what gave her the edge over Kaela Grant at the final two. Paras act of playing dumb kept her in the house against nominations until the 9th week. This was when Paras’ real game began. Her closest allies all got evicted one after the other in the final five. Luckily, Paras won the penultimate Head of Household and she used it to secure a spot for herself in the final 3. Again, Paras won the following week HOH (the week which was the last week on the show) and she used it to evict her showmance, Derek Kesseler because she wanted just girls at the final two. In a vote of 6-1 against Keala Grant, Paras Atashnak was announced the winner of the Big Brother Canada Show Season 6. In the history of Big Brother Canada, Paras is the first to perfect the floater strategy and won. Paras won 2 HOH in week 10 and day 69, but she had no Power of Veto win making her the first houseguest to win without having a POV. She won a side cash of $1,000 on the show. She was a member of The Real Deal Alliance, The Secret Three Alliance and White Room Alliance. Her allies included Jesse Larson, Maddy Poplett, Kaela Grant, William Kenny and Veronica Doherty.
Paras is the only houseguest on BBCAN6 to win multiple competitions back to back without winning the Power Of Veto. She is also the fifth and female houseguest to win Head of Household twice. Paras is the second winner to always vote with the majority. She is the first ever female houseguest to win the final HOH and still won the season. Above all, she is the first youngest female to win the Big Brother Canada Show.
On September 9, 2018, Paras Atashnak appeared on Rob Has A Podcast to talk about Big Brother 20 and also about the first double eviction. Paras is active on Twitter and on Instagram where she actively promotes and advocates for Black Lives Matter.
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